CEF- European Language Resource Coordination - CEF Automated Translation platform.
Language barriers prevent citizens from accessing and benefiting from public services across Member States. Language technologies and automated translations can revolutionize cross-lingual access to digital services by simplifying translation workload.
In order to have a true Digital Single Market, online commerce and services must be easily accessible and available to all citizens, no matter what language they speak. The Digital Single Market acknowledges that ICT and network connectivity form are an indispensable basis for the development of our economies and society.
The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) supports projects of common interest which address barriers to full connectivity. Access to administrative information EU-wide is restricted to citizens due to language barriers. Language technologies help addessing the issue.
EU institutions and public administrations in the Member States will be able to exploit an Automated Translation core platform, that will provide automated translation of text and content. It will build on the existing European Commission Machine Translation service, and will be designed to serve and interface seamlessly with any current or future Digital Service Infrastructure, with the purpose of automatically translating relevant content into any EU language.
More specifically, the objectives are:
  • to define and specify the necessary IT and service architecture and functionalities;
  • to operate an initial Automated Translation service;
  • to promote and support the pooling of language resources for automated translation.

DFKI German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence,
Evaluations and Language Resources Distribution Agency SA,
Tilde SIA