Athena Research and Innovation Center through its OpenAIRE research programme, announces an Open Call for Tenders on Open Science for SMEs, Innovators, Researchers or Organizations.
Are you an innovator working in the field of Open Science? Are you an economic operator (i.e. SME, startup, young innovator, researcher) that explores new innovative fields? Gain up to 60.000 euros to design, test and implement your idea into the largest Research Infrastructure in Europe. Integrate your product solution into OpenAIRE and get rewarded with funds and recognition.
Deadline to submit December 12th, 2019, 17:00 CET
OpenAIRE, a platform funded and supported by the European Commission, has undertaken the mission to shift scholarly communication towards openness and transparency, facilitating innovative ways to communicate and monitor research. The long-term vision of OpenAIRE is to transform society through validated scientific knowledge allowing citizens, educators, funders, civil servants and industry to find ways to make science useful and comprehensive.
OpenAIRE fosters creativity blended with Open Science principles and invites you to shape and expand this innovative research ecosystem. Therefore, OpenAIRE, Within European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, launched its Open Innovation Call, to discover, support and fund innovative ideas and implementations of software in the Open Science field, as long as this leads to the creation of fresh business ideas and the formation of an innovation ecosystem with would-be-entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs, closely related to OpenAIRE.
The Open Innovation programme will select innovative projects in the field of Open Science to develop products and services linked to scholarly works, repositories, data management, OpenAIRE infrastructure and OpenAIRE services.
Before applying, please select one of the three challenging topics to work on:
Topic 1: Next generation Repository Technologies
You are advised to select a topic that best fits with your experience, skills and motivations. The relation of each tender topic along with the OpenAIRE application boundaries and operations is demonstrated below.
You may explore the information, timeline and submission process of the Open Call provided in the link below. All the templates, annexes and submission documents are also available:
Tip: Visit OpenAIRE to explore its services: