Euromap (HOPE)


Euromap (HOPE)
EUROMAP was a multi-country project spanning two years. It was implemented by a team of 8 National Focal Points (NFPs) located in Austria, Belgium/Netherlands, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Greece, Italy and Spain. The key focus was on helping to accelerate the volume of HLT transfer from the research base (both in national and European level) to the market.
Evolutionary Phases:
The Case Studies and the National Profile and National Policy Reviews produced during EUROMAP I contributed to a better understanding of the potential for the enlargement and improvement of the HLT market, while the Greek NFP provided a focal point for key players and others interested in the LE field and gathered valuable information in the specially designed database.
Through the organisation of dissemination activities, EUROMAP II promoted the participation of national organisations in European projects (FP5) and supported inter-state activities for improved collaboration among researchers, development companies and potential users in the area of HLT.
The EUROMAP (HOPE) project provided the ideal opportunity for the exploitation of the skills, knowledge and information gathered during the first two projects in order to provide well-targeted awareness to selected high priority communities. The effective communication channels established between the NFPs during EUROMAP I and II provided a sound basis for more extensive cross-border.
The EUROMAP objectives:
  • Increasing the number of HLT projects that deliver tested, ready-for-market results.
  • Boosting the number of best-of-class technology developers participating in HLT research projects.
  • Accelerating awareness within user sectors of potential HLT solutions for observed information and communication management problems in their sector.
  • Improving the relevance of HLT RTD project targets and technology supplier/user needs.
  • Safeguarding the linguistic integrity of each language.
Main Deliverables:
Into the EUROMAP framework Case Studies of HLT transfer success stories are being developed and the already existing HLT human network database is being updated. Dissemination activities and task forces are also part of the project's parallel actions.
Start Date
End Date