Hubble Space Telescope's Catalogue of Variables (HCV) is now live!

Athena RC was the technical partner


Hubble Space Telescope's Catalogue of Variables (HCV) is now live on both ESAC (ESA) and STScI (operates HST on behalf of NASA) infrastructures.

The software behind HCV generation and validation is the result of long design, implementation and validation work of  engineers from the Athena Research & Innovation Center, including George Kakaletris, Giorgos Papanikos, Nikolas Laskaris and Kostas Kakaletris. Our team provided innovative solutions to both scientific and technological challenges presented and combined those into an open, stable, dependable and usable pipeline, based on the Apache Spark engine, which was making its appearance at the time the design was being conceived.

Under the coordination of Alceste Bonanos (National Observatory of Athens - NOA) the work of the large science and technology team that delivered the Hubble Catalogue of Variables, is  presented in Astronomy and Astrophysics journal.… , Oct 2019.

You may read the paper that describes the work here.