Basic Greek Grammar

Basic Greek Grammar

Basic Greek Grammar
The Basic Greek Grammar aims to provide to non-native speakers of Greek at the intermediate proficiency level a comprehensive, explanatory and illustrative description of contemporary Greek. It can, however, be useful both to beginners and to advanced students, and even be of some help to native speakers of Greek.
It is a concise reference book, containing information on Greek phonology, writing system, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics. Language forms are accompanied by a description of the relevant communicative functions, many examples of use and illustrations.
The description of the Greek language focuses on phenomena that are somewhat arduous for a non-native speaker. Its objective is to facilitate language comprehension and production. Thus, its focal point is the interface between morphology and communicative functions. Moreover, pragmatic factors which determine the use of alternative forms are extensively described.
The Basic Greek Grammar is currently used in the minority schools in Western Thrace, in schools with immigrant populations all over Greece, in Greek language courses organized by the Universities of Athens and the University of Thessaloniki and in Modern Greek Studies Departments in Europe and in the USA.
Basic Greek Grammar has been published for the University of Athens by “On demand” (ISBN 978-960-6608-74-2, Maria Tzevelekou, Vicky Kantzou, Spyridoula Stamouli, 208 p., Athens 2007).
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Maria Tzevelekou