Accommodative intelliGENT educational environments for DYSLexic learners


Accommodative intelliGENT educational environments for DYSLexic learners

The overall objective of the AGENT-DYSL project is to contribute in narrowing the gap between good and poor (due to dyslexia) readers. AGENT-DYSL’s main target group is school-aged children. AGENT-DYSL’s approach towards obtaining the objective is to develop a “next generation assistive reading system” and to incorporate it into learning environments.

Start Date
End Date

Atos Origin s.a.e (Spain) Centro de Profesores y Recursos de Gijon (Spain) Forschungszentrum Informatik, University of Karlsruhe (Germany) Herning Kommune, Born og Unge, KVIS programme (Denmark) The Dyslexia Institute (United Kingdom) University Lucian Blaga of Sibiu (Romania) ZENON Automation Technologies (Greece) Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (Greece) Institute for Language and Speech Processing, R.C. "Athena" (Greece)