Hellenic Data Management Symposium (HDMS) is the annual forum for the Greek database community to present and discuss recent advances for data-intensive applications. The
17th HDMS will be held between July 8-9, 2019 in Athens, Greece.
The program of HDMS 2019 will include research paper presentations, tutorials, demos, panels, and invited talks. The key criterion in judging submissions is that of technical content.
HDMS will have three tracks of research papers. The first track will include papers recently accepted at the top international conferences or journals are automatically accepted. Examples include SIGMOD, VLDB, PODS, ICDE, EDBT, and SIGIR. Each submission should include the DOI link of the original paper. The second track will include original work, ongoing work, and position/vision statements. Authors should submit a 1 page PDF in ACM SIGMOD format. Submissions will be reviewed by the PC and chosen for presentation or poster. The third track will include demonstrations of innovative data-intensive applications, systems, algorithms, etc. Authors should submit a 1 page PDF in ACM SIGMOD format. Submissions will be reviewed by the PC. If submitting an already published demonstration at a top conference, only the DOI is needed (and it will be an automatic accept).
HDMS 2019 Keynotes:
Entrepreneurship panel – Moderator: Kostas Tzoumas
Participants: Anastasia Ailamaki (CEO Raw labs), Panos Papadopoulos (Marathon Venture Capital), Chris Kachris (CEO, Inaccel)
The 17th HDMS will be held between July 8-9, 2019 at the Royal Olympic Hotel, in Athens, Greece.