Sensorial Wireless Networks (SWN) are wireless networks consisting of a collection of spatially separated tiny nodes (smart dust sensors, motes) that autonomously form and maintain a network through the wireless medium. As models for mobile wireless networking their appeal comes from the fact that they can operate autonomously without the need for an existing infrastructure. SWN have direct applications in mobility, presence detection, source detection, source localization, source tracking, security, environmental control, habitat monitoring, medical control, highway traffic management, building and industrial monitoring.
Focused on a technological and horizontal research to obtain standard paradigms to unsolved problems related to SWN, the main project objective is to research generic and reusable Software-Hardware solutions that are common to existent and potential future applications, and that could serve as readily available and standard SWN design and deployment solutions. The research on the generalization of the problem of SWN architectural design and deployment will be biased to obtaining solutions that although generic allow for further fine-tuning when a given application is considered.
Specifically, we are going to research the optimal deployment systems for the sensors in different generic scenarios and optimal routing and communications protocols under premises of autonomous setting on, low energy use and low memory and bandwidth capacities. Moreover, we will focus on researching and developing of reusable Middleware components to ease future development tasks with this kind of systems under real-time restrictions. For these tasks different application scenarios will be studied and one or more generic scenarios will be taking into account. Therefore, a control systems based in Agent Technology will be assessed. These control systems will be based completely on agent concepts.