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Theodore Dalamagas

+30 2106875415
Dr Theodore Dalamagas is a Senior Researcher at “Athena” Research Center, Information Management Systems Institute. He received his Diploma in Electrical Engineering from the NTU Athens (1996), Greece, his MSc in Advanced Information Systems from Glasgow University, Scotland (1997), and his PhD from NTUA (2004). From 2005 to 2007, he was a lecturer in the Department of Computer Science and Technology, University of Peloponnese. Since 2007, he works at “Athena” Research Center. He has been involved in several R&D EU and national ICT projects related to scientific data infrastructures, scientific data management, linked data and ontologies, semantic annotation and retrieval, e.g., SLIDEWIKI (IA, H2020), EXCELERATE (RI, H2020), DIACHRON (IP, ICT-FP7), TARCLOUD (pilot case in VENUS-C, INFRASTRUCTURES, ICT-FP7), LODGOV (Research Excellence, Program “ΑΡΙΣΤΕΙΑ”, Greek SRT), AI4B (Cooperation, Program “ΣΥΝΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ”, Greek SRT). His research interests include: (a) Scientific databases: sequence matching algorithms, efficient query processing on genomic sequences, automatic scientific term suggestion, term evolution in scientific databanks, (b) Web of data: exposing structured and unstructured data as Linked Data, querying Linked Data, data integration, automatic schema matching in Linked Data vocabularies, (c) Information retrieval: non linear thinking and searching tools, creativity search, personalized search, machine learning for training effective ranking search models, (d) Data semantics: automatic semantic annotation, ontology-based search, (e) Query processing: effective querying of tree-structured data, reachability queries on graph data and sequencial data. He has published more than 60 articles in international journals and conference proceedings. Google Scholar Citations reports more than 2500 citations to his work, h-index=19.