Nestor Tsirliganis received his Bachelor’s Degree in Physics from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 1986 and continued his studies, under a Fulbright Scholarship, at The University of Michigan - Ann Arbor (U.S.A.) from where he received a Master’s Degree in Nuclear Science in 1987 and a Ph.D. Degree in the same field in 1995. He specialized in nuclear measurements with emphasis on instruments and methods for neutron detection and measurement. During his graduate studies (1986-1994) he held a Research Assistant Appointment at the Nuclear Data Laboratory and a Teaching Assistant Appointment at the Department of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences of The University of Michigan. During the 1996–1998 period he worked as an Associated Research Scientist in various projects regarding environmental dosimetry, at the Nuclear Engineering Laboratory of the Democritus University of Thrace. In 1999, as an external consultant, planned and organized the Archaeometry Laboratory of the Cultural and Educational Technology Institute (C.E.T.I.) in Xanthi, for the development and use of scientific techniques in order to extract archaeological and historical information from the cultural heritage. In 2002 he took the position of the Head of the Archaeometry Department (then Archaeometry Laboratory) at C.E.T.I., as Research Lecturer, position that holds till presently as Research Director at the same Institute, since 2007.