
Stella Markantonatou

Institute of Language and Speech Processing
+30 210 6875452

Stella Markantonatou holds the following degrees: Degree in Chemical Engineering (NTUA), Degree in Linguistics (University of Athens), MA in Knowledge Representation (University of Sussex), PhD in Linguistics (University of Essex). For the period 1992-1996 she belonged to the Essex Computational Linguistics Group and was the person mainly responsible for a number of CEC funded projects concerning grammar development and computational lexica specifications (LRE, MLAP).

She has been a member of ILSP since 1998. For the period 1998-2008 she was the Head of the Machine Translation Department of ILSP / R.C. "Athena". She has coordinated both nationally funded (Schematopiisis, Proteus) and EU funded (METIS I and II) projects and has worked on thematic areas concerning controlled languages and hybrid statistical machine translation. She was a main participant in national and European research projects that employed ontologies to represent lexical knowledge (EKFRASIS) and knowledge about cultural objects (ML-Images!, byzantine icons – EIKONOGNOSIA, Corgialenion Historical Museum). She has taught in various Universities (University of Essex, University of Cyprus, University of Crete, University of Athens, NTUA) at both a graduate and a post-graduate level while the topics addressed include grammatical formalisms (LFG, HPSG), lexical and formal semantics and computational linguistics. She has been a co-organizer of a number of international conferences (LAGB 1995 (Fall), LREC2000, LFG2002) and she is a member of TEE, EETN, LAGB and TE21.