
Penny Labropoulou

Institute of Language and Speech Processing
+30 210 6875445

She is a Researcher at Athena RC/Institute for Language and Speech Processing. Since 1992, she has participated in numerous European and national R&D projects in the areas of her interest, often with a leading role in the project or specific workpackages. Her most recent activities focus on the area of language resources infrastructures, mainly as regards documentation (metadata standards), curation, licensing and exploitation. She has coordinated and/or collaborated in the design and construction of multimedia and printed dictionaries. She has taughtComputational lexicography in the Postgraduate course "Lexicography theory & applications", an Interdepartmental Course of the University of Athens. She is currently vice-president of the CLARIN Legal Issues Committee (CLIC); in the period 1997 - 99 she has served as a Board member of the European Association for Terminology (EAFT), and from 1999 to 2007 as a member of the Advisory Council. She holds an MSc in Machine Translation (University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology) and a BA in English Language and Linguistics (University of Athens). She has authored several publications in the areas of Language Resources Infrastructures, Documentation of Language Resources, Computational lexicography, Corpus design and annotation, Terminology processing and Cultural information standardization and manipulation.