
Vicky Kantzou

Επιστημονικοί Συνεργάτες
Institute of Language and Speech Processing
+30 210 6875350
Vicky Kantzou is a linguist, currently working at the Department of Educational Technology in the Institute for Language and Speech Processing (ILSP/R.C. "Athena"). She received her BA in Greek Philology and her postgraduate degree (MA) in teaching Greek as a second language, in 1995 and 2000, respectively, from the University of Athens. In 2010 she completed her PhD on the acquisition of Greek as a first and as a second language at the University of Athens. Part of her Ph.D. research has been supported by a grant awarded from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation. Since 2002 she has been working at ILSP, taking part in various projects concerning the development of CALL material for young and adult learners of Greek as a first and as a second language. (Akousma, The evolution of the Greek language, Educational Greek Corpus, Trilingual Term Dictionary, “A knight in the castle of letters”, “A knight in the castle of words”). She has also participated in research projects concerning the acquisition of Greek as a first and second language and the assessment of Greek language proficiency of young learners. Since 2001 she has been teaching Greek to foreigners at the Greek Language Teaching Centre of the University of Athens.