The aim of the specific programme was the setting up of an office, aiming at the promotion of the products and the activities of ILSP / R.C. "Athena", with the further aim to connect research with industrial production.
More specifically this was done through:
A database which can be accessed either by Internet or by a local network was also made available with information on ILSP / R.C. "Athena" and research activities and results from the R&D projects ILSP / R.C. "Athena" is involved in.
A news bulletin titled "Logonavigation" has already been published within the framework of the programme "Human Network for Language Technology". The first nine issues, which are already available, have been devoted to the presentation of the research laboratory activities of the agencies participating in the network.
During the second year of the "Liaison Office", the promotion of products and ILSP / R.C. "Athena"'s research activities was carried out more systematically through the production and dispatch of leaflets, the creation of a database including suppliers and sales data, the participation in international and national exhibitions and other events.
From 29 January to 2 February 1997, ILSP / R.C. "Athena" participated in the international exhibition EXPOLANGUES '97 at a joint stand with the Greek Organization of Foreign Commerce. In this exhibition ILSP / R.C. "Athena"'s products were presented. New contacts were made with companies to enhance the promotion of ILSP / R.C. "Athena"'s products.
On September 19 1997, ILSP / R.C. "Athena" participated in an information day on "Multimedia in Education" at the National Research Institute. The speech was given by Prof. G. Carayannis and Ms F. Charalabopoulou under the title "Multimedia in Language Education".
Based on the material collected, a database was constructed with analytical data on research, development and commercial organizations which are of interest to ILSP / R.C. "Athena".
Since the Liaison Office was founded, it has systematically provided ILSP / R.C. "Athena" researchers with information on calls for tenders, exhibitions, conferences and possible cooperations with other organizations.
During the project period ILSP / R.C. "Athena"'s web page on the INTERNET was improved and expanded. The page includes information about ILSP / R.C. "Athena"'s products, activities and aims, as well as information on Language Technology in Greece and abroad.
Main deliverables:
ILSP / R.C. "Athena"'s web page, printed and electronic advertising material, printed agencies directory concerned with Language Technology in Greece, co-operation contracts and commercial exploitation of ILSP / R.C. "Athena"'s research results