SLIDEWIKI platform release webinar: Revolutionizing authoring, sharing and re-using of OER and OCW online


Presentations have become indispensable in our everyday lives, whether at school, in college or at work. The SlideWiki project, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 688095, started in 2016 with seventeen partners from Europe and Brazil using the award-winning open-source SlideWiki platform as a basis and aiming at creating a large scale accessible learning and teaching platform using educational technology, skill recognition and global collaboration. On the SlideWiki platform, presentations, especially open teaching and learning materials, i.e. Open Educational Resources (OER), can be jointly created, edited, updated, changed and accessed. Moreover SlideWiki is an OpenCourseWare platform for sharing slide decks according to the FAIR data principles.
Platform Release Webinar: Tuesday, Jul 17, 2018, at 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM CEST
Please register here in order to reserve your slot. Webinar ID: 333-496-579
SlideWiki’s features include creating online slide decks, reusing existing educational content by copying and combining, collaborating with other authors, colleagues, and students, while supporting knowledge sharing communities. In this webinar Dr. Abi James will explain how using the SlideWiki platform has enabled the re-purposing of open content, originally created for MOOCs, so that it can be used in different learning settings. She will explain how the slide format has helped with blending online and classroom teaching while also enhancing MOOCs. In addition, Dr. Klaas Andries de Graaf will demonstrate some of the features in SlideWiki that allow educators to collaborate and repurpose materials.
SlideWiki OCW Competition #OECWC2018
By organising this OpenCourseWare (OCW) Competition, the SlideWiki Consortium invites participants to create and import high-quality educational content in the SlideWiki platform. Twenty prizes will be awarded in total, ranging from 500 to 1000 euros. More info.
About the SlideWiki Project
According to Prof. Dr. Sören Auer, Director of the Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology, University Library (TIB) and Professor for Data Science and Digital Libraries at Leibniz University of Hannover“Education is a central element of social progress. Therefore, the target groups that can best benefit from using the SlideWiki platform are as diverse as our society. The possible user groups include, in particular, students, researchers, stakeholders in education, vocational training and higher education, groups interested in Open Educational Resources (OER), multinational organizations, institutes and organizers of conferences and their participants. In this regard, the SlideWiki platform offers many benefits and added value for each user group. SlideWiki is particularly suitable for the structured representation of content for people with disabilities. In the project InclusiveOCW, for example, SlideWiki is adapted to provide the best educational solutions for blind and visually impaired users’.
Theodore Dalamagas (ATHENA Research Center) stated that “ATHENA strongly supports grassroots and volunteer-driven ICT solutions. Being the “slidepedia”, as one of my PhD student’s mentioned, the SlideWiki really breaks barriers to community-driven, open-education!” Alexander Mikroyannidis (Open University) advocated that “SlideWiki is unique in the way that it leverages the reusability of open educational content and fosters community building around open content. This initiative is of particular significance for The Open University, as we are committed to openness in education.” According to E.A.Draffan (University of Southampton“Being able to collaborate on presentations without being concerned about having different versions in file stores is a bonus. More importantly, knowing that if I follow the rules of digital accessibility, the slides can be used by everyone providing an example of inclusive learning and teaching practice.” Scuola di Robotica considers SlideWiki a powerful platform where teachers and trainers could share and innovate educational contents, and upgrade he educational methodology as well. It will deeply improve lessons, learning, and the relationship between teachers and  students.
Klaas Andries de Graaf (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) confirms that “In SlideWiki one can create, reuse, and import presentation (PPTX and ODP) slides which then become available as open online searchable HTML webcontent. This open educational material can be collaboratively edited (via edit groups and activities), enriched (sources, speaker notes, comments, questions and exams, pictures, tables, formulas, code snippets, videos), searched, shared, translated, combined with other existing presentations, and exported (PDF, as offline HTML with player, Epub, etc.) or embedded in other websites and LMS’es. This addresses problems with traditional authoring, collaboration, sharing, and retention of educational materia.”. Vivi Petsioti (Open Technologies Alliance, GFOSS) stated that “open educational resources and open content are of great importance for the democratisation and redistribution of knowledge. Restrictive copyright laws and incompatible technologies are hindering the easy access to open educational content. The impact of SlideWiki as an open educational resource technology is potentially huge for learners, educators and educational institutions.”
Find the PRESS RELEASE here 
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Project Contact Person
Alexandra Garatzogianni, Senior Research and Innovation Project Manager at the Leibniz Information Center for Science and Technology, University Library (TIB) and at the Leibniz University of Hannover
Alexandra . Garatzogianni at tib . eu

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